Tree of Addiction 2024

Thursday November 14th, 2025
Registration: 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM
Conference: 8:45 AM – 3:00 PM

Location: The Fiesta

255 NJ-17, Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075

Registration Fee: $70

Breakfast and Lunch Buffet Included

Tree of Addiction Conference 2024

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Diamond Sponsorship
1 Remaining
  • Prominent listing as a Diamond Sponsor on all printed materials
  • One promotional item included in each attendee’s folder/bag
  • 65 word description of program services
  • An exhibition space to share information about your services for two
  • individuals and networking opportunities
  • Logo on Power Point presentation loop run during intermissions
  • An opportunity to provide a description of your services to all
  • attendees prior to keynote speaker introduction
  • Social Media Promotion
  • *NEW* Full Page ad in conference room program
  • Please submit sponsor logo to: Matt Gannon at
    High resolution logo - 400 dpi or higher - preferred.

Gold Sponsorship
4 Remaining
  • Prominent listing as a Gold Sponsor on all printed materials
  • One promotional item included in each attendee’s folder/bag
  • 50 word description of program services
  • An exhibition space to share information about your services for two
  • individuals and networking opportunities
  • Logo on Power Point presentation loop run during intermissions
  • An opportunity to provide a description of your services prior to a
  • workshop speaker introduction
  • Social Media Promotion
  • *NEW* 1/3 page ad in conference room program
  • Please submit sponsor logo to: Matt Gannon at
    High resolution logo - 400 dpi or higher - preferred.

Silver Sponsorship
13 Remaining
  • Prominent listing as a Silver Sponsor on all printed materials
  • 40 word description of program services
  • An exhibition space to share information about your services for two
  • individuals and networking opportunities
  • Social Media Promotion
  • *NEW* One Promotional item included in each attendee's folder/bag
  • Please submit sponsor logo to: Matt Gannon at
    High resolution logo - 400 dpi or higher - preferred.

Exhibitor Sponsorship
1 Remaining
  • Exhibiting at this year's conference provides an opportunity to promote your services while connecting with professionals in the field
  • 30 word description of program services
  • An exhibition space to share information about your services for one
  • individuals and networking opportunities
  • *NEW* Social Media Promotion
  • Please submit sponsor logo to: Matt Gannon at
    High resolution logo - 400 dpi or higher - preferred.

Event Registration $0.00
  • Includes keynote presentation, workshop admission, and breakfast & lunch buffets